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BOA Editions, a not-for-profit publishing house, is accepting poetry manuscripts between August 1, 2006 and November 30, 2006.The A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize consists of a $1,500 honorarium and the publication of the poet’s manuscript. Only poet’s who have not yet published a full-length-book collection of poetry will be considered. The poet Edward Hirsch will be the final judge. An entry form and fee are required. Guidelines for the 2007
A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize are posted at:
Mark your calendars for the Portland Arts & Lectures series. Sponsered by the Literary Arts organization, the series includes such speakers as Mary Gaitskill, Frank McCourt, and Jonathan Lethem. Many special events are scheduled throughout the coming year, including a lecture from renowned author Stephen King.Tickets are required for these events. For more information, go to
Click on the above invitation to enlarge.This is an incredible opportunity for anyone working in, or interested in, the publishing community in Portland. Come check it out!Women in Portland Publishing* is proud to invite you and your publishing colleagues to its inaugural Networking Party, to be held Wednesday, September 27 from 6–9 p.m. at MacTarnahan’s Brewing Company. We encourage you to forward this invitation to your colleagues and friends in the publishing field. Don’t miss this opportunity to support the Portland publishing community and meet fellow word lovers.It’s not too late to sponsor the event! If your organization would like to help this amazing event happen, please e-mail WiPP Vice President Ali McCart at There is no minimum donation amount, and sponsors will receive ad space in the event slide show, table space to display marketing materials, and logo placement on all contact with the media. (Note: To reserve a place in the slide show, donations must be received no later than September 20, 2006.)*WiPP is a Portland-based organization in the process of pursuing 501(c)3 status.
Have you attended any outstanding literary events lately? Have you read any books you'd like to review? We'd love to hear about them! Send an e-mail to, and we'll be sure to post your thoughts.
Also, don't forget to visit our main page weekly to catch our latest editorial tips and book reviews. Or take the easy route and make it your homepage! Just click on the Tools menu and select Internet Options. Then paste into the Homepage Address box.
Mark your calendars for WiPP’s inaugural Networking Party to meet your publishing neighbors Wednesday, September 27 from 6–9 p.m. at McTarnahan's Brewing Company. There will be door prizes, appetizers, a no-host bar, a celebrity author appearance, and ample time to meet up to 150 other publishing cohorts!WiPP, Women in Portland Publishing, is a local organization* dedicated toproviding resources for the publishing community and the Portland communityat large by offering outreach and networking events on a monthly basis. Learnmore at Please help us to put on this amazing event! WiPP is seeking local companies in the publishing field to sponsor the fall networking party.Sponsors will be featured on:-Event brochures-WiPP Web site-Invitations-All contact with local media regarding this event-A slideshow at the event featuring sponsors-Table space to showcase your marketing materialsTo sponsor, simply respond to this e-mail with the name of your company, your contact information, and your donation amount. This information must be received by Thursday, August 24 in order for your information to be featured on invitations. Then make checks payable to Kirsten Merrell, WiPP Treasurer, and mail them to Kirsten Merrell, WiPP Treasurer, 1736 SE Main Street, Portland, OR 97214.Don’t miss this opportunity to show your support for the Portland publishing community.*WiPP is a Portland-based organization in the process of pursuing 501(c)3 status.
Join Ooligan Press, Portland State University's student-run press, for an evening of art and literature as they launch the debut novel from Portland artist Jan Baross. Winner of the Kay Snow Award for fiction, José Builds a Woman is a novel in the sensual tradition of magical realism. With lush prose and dry humor, Baross captures the fluid boundaries between life and death.Mark Woolley Gallery120 NW 9th Avenue, Portland, ORAugust 25, 20066:00-9:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. ReadingIn addition to a reading by Baross, enjoy a selection of her artwork inspired by her travels in Mexico.Questions? Please contact Monica Garcia at (503) 442-9788 or
It's that time again! The 7th Annual Writer's Digest Short Short Story Competition is accepting submissions until December 1. "We're looking for fiction that's bold, brilliant...but brief." Stories must be 1,500 words or fewer. Prizes will be awarded in the increments of $3,000, $1,500, $500, $100, and $50. Visit for guidelines and to enter online.Good luck!
Kimmy asked: Sometimes when I'm reading magazines part of the sentence will be in brackets. What do they mean?
Congratulations to The Attic, a resource for fiction and poetry writers of all levels, which has just been featured in the Willamette Week as "a quiet, literary oasis in a city full of literary-worthy people and places." View the full review at That's quite a review! Great job, and best of luck.The Attic also publishes Poetry Northwest, a biannual poetic literary journal. Subscriptions are only $25 for two years. Visit to subscribe and read their summer reading list. Visit to get more information about The Attic.
WiPP announced the release of its Web site this morning. While it is still a work in progress, it is well on its way to becoming the #1 resource for the Portland publishing community. Check it out at job, ladies!
This week marks the 20th annual National Poetry Slam. It will be held in Austin, Texas, Wednesday through Sunday. Celebration events for the 20th anniversary will be held all week, including a Slam-a-Thon by Austin Slam Master Mike Henry and a Decathlon Slam.Click here for an article about it.
One of our goals with Seeing Indigo is to create a forum for editorial questions. Please feel free to e-mail us questions and post comments to build this dialogue.Erin asked: What is the propper use for an ellipsis?
WiPP was recently spotlighted for its outreach efforts at Parkrose High School. Read the article at:
Nice job, ladies!
This week Indigo welcomes its first editorial intern, Katrina Hill, as editorial assistant. Katrina has a background in acquisitions, market research, and event coordination, as well as an affinity for children's book publishing. She is working on her masters degree in writing and book publishing at Portland State University and would like to pursue editing as an emphasis in her career.Welcome!
There seems to be a new trend in literary contests--reading fees. Certainly, some contests have been charging fees for years, but it's becoming more and more common. On the one hand, the company running the contest usually pays manuscript readers and needs income for that purpose. If the contest offers a cash prize, that money must come from somewhere, too. On the other hand, charging a fee for a manuscript submission turns the literary contest into a money-making enterprise instead of a contest for the sake of discovering and enhancing literature. If the reading fee is $10 and the cash prize is $250, only 25 people need to submit before the prize is paid for. After 25 submissions, each reading fee counts as profit.What are your thoughts? Are reading fees justified? Post a comment or e-mail us!